Thursday, October 4, 2007

Who would I be if I was genuinely myself?

I'd be kind, I'd be giving and appreciative of what I have been given. I'd not expect anything in return- I'd keep no tallies. I'd be adventurous, unafraid of change because I know my grounding is firmly planted in myself. I'd be sensual, not to entice intentionally, but because sensuality is the greatest gift of human experience and should be appreciated and shared and encouraged. I'd be wise enough to know I know very little, so I'd always be open. To others, to experience, to everything. I'd also be confident in my openness, to not take everything as true, but to find my own truths- find what resonates for me and follow it, let it into my heart.

I'd also want to be forgiving-mainly of myself. Right now, not in a state to think of being open and giving and compassionate to others-even though I know I should.

For a while though, I'm going to be closed-let's say for necessary maintenance.


Petro said...

WOW...powerful and beautiful words

moni said...

When are we getting this published?