Wednesday, March 26, 2008

from the ashes of defeat - VICTORY!

My cooking is by no means without the frequent mistakes that remind me how much I have to learn.

Like last night. I got home from work all fired up to make a chocolate pear cake, with pear butter cream frosting. I'd even figured out fancy bruleed pear slices to decorate it! The cake part went smoothly, but when I then turned to making the ganache glaze this happened:

WHAT IS THIS! Why did the chocolate instantly separate into this greasy lumpy mass?! And what was I supposed to do-I had no more cream and no more dark chocolate!

THEN I turned to make the butter cream,figuring I'll just ice the whole thing with that.

Enter grainy nastiness!

I tried to add pear juice to the icing-for pear icing. I'm still working through McGee's, but there must be some enzyme in pears that's purpose is to screw up butter cream icing.


So, this morning I made a new straight batch of icing, with lots of ginger in it, figuring that will also be nice with the pears. There wasn't enough to layer and ice though, so I carted the cake with the thought I could try to grab something at whole foods to cover it.

And then-at the office-I made ganache in the microwave. Genius!

All I did was heat the cream for 2 min-which just scalded it. Then I stirred in equal amount of chocolate chips, and then just kept slowly adding chips till it was thick enough. Then I poured it all over the cake.

And Perfect!

Look at that lovely gloss, and it was so tasty!

Remember kids, life is equal parts the mistakes you make, and how you deal with the consequences.

Monday, March 24, 2008

how can strawberries...

..this early in the season be SO SWEET?! What a way to celebrate the first weekend of Spring!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

going backwards

Ok, so only getting on the web for the second time in India, and the trip is almost over...I'll hit the big highlights, and post pics when I get back. Also, the food posts will come as I settle back in. I've been on a daily "programme" in Goa, every morning my cousin picks me up on the scooter to take me to the Aunties house and we cook all mornign. My apprenticeship- or as Pauly calls it- my indentured servitude. But I love it- I love the early morning scooter-driving lessons (which I skipped church for) and I love spending the mornign with my Aunties.

Wait but now I'm getting ahead of myself...

ah well- I'll go for a night swim and dinner and rethink... besides, have to wake up early for the programme tomorrow...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Hey guys,

I know it's been like a week since I've been here and no posts, but- life is pretty busy here. I'm just hoping into a cyber cafe for the first time, so hello and yes I'm alive (I don't drink the water or eat any raw veggies-just everything else.) I can't stay long as my cousin is waiting with the scooter to head back to the hotel, but will try to get on for a longer post a little later today. This place is amazing and I have the most wonderful huge family...