I have a love of those salty swedish meatballs at Ikea, and had been thinking for a while about making a version of them from frozen meatballs, and using the leftover cranberry sauce to make a curried "lingonberry-like" dressing. I figured multiple uses of those yummy trader-joes meatballs was also a fun thing to play with, so I did.
The key is really the sauce- it needs to be clearly meat-flavored, and rich and creamy. And a little sweet. The sauce isn't complicated, but it needs to be flavorful.
I started with a pan of butter, and cooked the meatballs for a few minutes. Basically the meatballs are pre-cooked, so all I'm trying to do is flavor the butter. I moved the meatballs to a pan in the oven, to cook thru and fully soften up. I added some flour to the butter, and made a quick roux. This is a bit tricky; flour will cook fast, and smell and taste burnt fast too. The pan only stayed on the flame for about a minute- just enough time to whisk the flour into the butter. Then I added beef broth, and kept whisking and whisking till the sauce was smooth. Now-you want to use good broth here, because that is the backbone of the sauce. How much broth you use is kinda up to you-you can put in a lot, and simmer to thicken it, or put a little, cook it long enough to get rid of raw flour taste and get on with it. I just had to cook it long enough for the frozen cranberry sauce to defrost. I added some milk-no cream on hand-and kept the sauce on a simmer, tasting and seasoning as needed. When I was happy with it (added a little pepper and nutmeg) I added the sauce to the meatballs, and let it all simmer together for 15 minutes-letting it get more meat-flavored and infuse the meatballs with the sauce flavor.
I keep saying meat flavor, but this can be made with chicken or turkey meatballs, or meatless meatballs and mushroom broth. Yah- meatless meatballs in mushroom broth sauce with some tarragon in it...
Anyway, here's what I ended up with- looks good-or at least like swedish meatballs, and it was tasty. The other stuff on the plate is mache (for color) and steel-cut oat risotto with figs and apricots-further post to come!
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