OK relax. First let me say this pic represents a long period of wine tasting- and a long period of holding on to bottles I liked to try to record their info. Like my Shelfari account, I'm finally getting around to updating my Cork'd account, and input these bottles. Sadly though, all I can remember at this point is I liked these bottles, enough to not throw the bottles out...
NA- but Cork'd is a great site... my only complaint, is there is no OTHER option, which is what is keeping me from posting two of the more outstanding bottles of this group.
So this bottle was a gift from my wonderful friends at the German Embassy- that has been sitting under the bookcase for a year. When I opened it- it smelled like old dirt. Not dry old dirt-moist, stinky old dirt. Not good, the wine was a burnt red color too... I was pretty sure it was corked. But, the flavor was pretty good (when I held my nose). A few Days later, the weird smell was gone,and the full flavor was really good, complex and full, with just enough edge to round it out. the kind of bottle you kinda regretting opening alone. (check the blog tag line for my feeling on that subject). Now, it's figuring if this is a buy able wine state-side...
another bottle I can't enter but really enjoyed:
I'll admit- I bought it bc it was two donkeys winery, and I like their little manifesto "Far from the world of global wine making ,we seek the simple pleasures of life in which wine reflects our identities and is a focus of friendship. This desire to follow our own convictions means we are always questioning attitudes and practices, but we get enormous satisfaction and pleasure from it. It is that pleasure that we would like to share with you through our wines."
anyway, for a bottle picked up on a whim for $12 at Best Cellars, very enjoyable.
I have never been disappointed with Best Cellars, or with German wines really, so both are good picks in my mind.
thanks JS- any particular suggestions?
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