Yesterday I spent in silence.
For a lot of reasons-most of you reading know some (thank you again). With all that's been swirling around, I wanted to take some time to be alone with my thoughts, not to figure them out, but to just let them be and settle. I've been trying so hard to figure things out, I'm loosing sight of what's important, and drowning out the voices that I should be listening to.
So what did it involve? Well my apartment is a wreck, so it did involve a lot of careful cleaning and clearing. But I wanted no voices- no radio, no talking, no cell, no internet. I focused on what I was doing, and worked hard to keep my mind from hopping ahead.
It was amazing.
We so easily forget how grossly overstimulated we are every day at every turn. It's one of the things I've found with no TV-with two magazine subscriptions, daily newspaper, books to read and blogs to read, I can't imagine WHEN I would watch TV. (still thought think the Wii is the most spendiferous invention ever, and still on the fence of trying to cram a TV in here for that...)
Overstimulation speaks to the clearing too. I still remember well when I moved in here and had nothing-literally sleeping on a pile of blankets. Now there so much crap in my place it amazes me. I have hit the point where I feel I have no more wall space (sorry Nora-the cow hide may not get up). i threw out two years worth of magazines- some of which I never read- and one years worth I actually MOVED two years ago. I also sorted out two big boxes of donation clothes, and didn't even get thru my entire closet.
OK, those last bits weren't the most exciting things in the world, but they were examples. And the point is-cleanign and clearing made me realize how rich I am. That I HAVE that much clothing to give away and still have a full wardrobe. That I could toss the questionable milk (it shouldn't taste like metal right?) and still have a full pantry of good fresh food.
I may not always be happy, but I recognize I am lucky.